Process: Washed
Država / Country : Kolumbija
Regija / region: Cauca
Kmetija / Farm: Popayán
Nadmorska višina / Altitude : 1500-2070m asl
Sorta / variety: Castillo, Catimor Typica, Caturra
To kavo pridelujejo na izbranih kmetijah v regiji Popayan. Kavo od pridelovalcev pripeljejo v suhem pergamentu, pozneje pa jo pripravijo v Popayanu in jo prepeljejo v Caldas, kjer jo dekofeinizirajo. Ta postopek dekofeinizacije je edinstven. Kofein se ekstrahira z uporabo sladkornega trsa in vode, kar poveča sladkost in hkrati ohrani lastnosti kave.
This coffee comes from different farmers from the Popayan region. It goes through a unique decaffeination process which uses water and sugar cane, which slowly increases the sweetness level of the coffee beans while altogether reducing its cafeine content by 99,5%.
Colombia Popayan Decaf
All orders are shipped via the Slovenian Post office. Allow for 3-5 business day delivery in Slovenia, about 5-8 days in the rest of Europe. We usually ship the following business day of your order unless we need to roast to complete your order, in which case we would tipically ship a maximum of 48 hours after your order has been placed.